Howlin’ Wolf. The Ultimate CD 19 Track CD (Includes bonus e-book)


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Howlin’ Wolf. The Ultimate CD 19 Track CD Tracks 1 to 10
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Howlin’ Wolf. The Ultimate CD 19 Track CD Tracks 11 to 19

Passionate about music finding its audience

There’s nothing worse than music lovers missing out on music they’d enjoy listening to, so here at Cruise International Records / Cruise Digital, we’re on a crusade to make sure older and newer top class music of various styles finds its audience.

With a genuine enthusiasm and interest in helping new artists create the best music they can and reach their audience, we’re committed to playing our part in making sure top quality music finds its way to those who’ll enjoy it.

Howlin’ Wolf. The Ultimate CD 19 Track CD

  1. Shake it for me
  2. Love me
  3. Dust my broom
  4. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings
  5. Rockin’ the blues
  6. All my life
  7. Goin’ down slow
  8. Howlin’ for my darlin
  9. Forty-four
  10. Little red rooster
  11. Evil
  12. Blind love
  13. My baby walked off
  14. Bluebird
  15. Look-a-here baby
  16. Decoration day
  17. Sweet woman
  18. Come back home
  19. Highway man
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